My Mission

At De la Luna Soul, my mission is to guide individuals towards their heart-centered path. Whether your journey leads you to healing others or exploring various callings in the realm of Spirit, my aim is to bring balance and love into your life, enabling the healing of the past and the creation of a better future.

This transformative process may involve clearing past traumas, overcoming life roadblocks, and addressing spiritual deficiencies. It is designed for those who seek a more fulfilling life through spiritual practice, providing guidance back to your inner self and connection to Source.

My purpose extends to teaching individuals who are spiritually gifted but may feel stuck or are simply curious about the spirit realm. This guidance may involve interaction with spiritual guides, angels, or your inner self, depending on your unique journey.

The scope of my work not only encompasses the spiritual but also extends to the physical body. I strive to bring healing and balance between the body and Spirit, whether through active bodywork or by teaching individuals who wish to share this work with their communities.

Creating a community of healers is at the core of my heart's path. This collective effort contributes to spreading spiritual enlightenment and nurturing healers who continue to make a positive impact on the greater community.

Reading tarot cards has been a difficult journey that seemed to be beyond my grasp, but I kept reaching out to spirit knowing that card reading was the right path for me. After many years of frustration, I was guided to trust what was in front of me and to use more than just one form of Spiritual card decks.

Suddenly I was able to read much clearer and see more than I was able to when reading cards the standard way. Soon I developed my Map Readings, which includes many different decks of cards that are relevant to the readings and greater pictures.

Not all decks are used every time, so I learned to use my guides and intuition when pulling cards. Now, I want to teach those who are frustrated learning standard card divination, as it may not be because you're not gifted, but because it's not the right modality for you.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery and transformation at De la Luna Soul!

I have been able to see, hear, and feel spirit since I was a child.  I was always curious about the metaphysical realm, anything that had to do with spirit and astrology.  While my family talked about and even joked about ghosts, no one really took it seriously, so I eventually learned to block them out as much as possible. 

In 2008 was my reconnection to spirit and the start of  my journey to heal my mind, body and soul. I left a toxic relationship of eleven years. I became a single mother of three kids.  I was lost for a while trying to work and raise three kids on my own. 

My story

In 2010 I sustained a traumatic back injury that left me with paralysis on my left leg and unable to walk for five and half months which guided me to where I am today.  I was introduced to Acupuncture to help reduce the inflammation and pain in my back and leg.  This was the beginning of my healing.  I was then directed by spirit to enroll in acupuncture school. 

In the fall of 2011 I enrolled in Acupuncture School, where I spent seven years of my life learning who I truly was and what my soul mission is in this life.  In Acupuncture school I was first introduced to energy healing called Infinichi.  I was so amazed by what I was learning because for me I resonated with connecting to mind, body, and spirit. 

I realized why I was guided to the school I attended because it brought back my connection to spirit.  I also was introduced to the Archangels and tarot cards.  I was able to be open in my beliefs without any judgment.  Along the way, tarot became a way to communicate with Spirit, first on my behalf and then on the behalf of others.  

Terms of Service and Legal Agreement​

A) You agree to the following terms, conditions and legal disclaimers as a result of using this Service, also defined as Session with Alma and Session(s).  This Service is for entertainment purposes only and you must be (18) years of age or older.  All available Session time slots are available to everyone worldwide in real-time. 

B) All guidance is subject to your own interpretation. By purchasing a Session with Alma, you are agreeing that any information and guidance provided does not constitute or substitute for any of the following, but not limited to, legal, psychological, financial, family, medical or business advice.


C) You claim full responsibility for the choices and actions taken based on the content of your Session with Alma.  By using this Service, you release Alma, all associates and all associated companies and entities of all liability as a result of any actions you take by using this Service.

​D) By using this Service, you agree you will not take any action across social media channels, conventional media, or social media platforms that would disparage Alma, De La Luna Soul or any of its related companies and entities.   

E) Further, you hold Alma, De La Luna Soul and all related entities and companies harmless and free from liabilities as a result of any decisions you make by using this Service.

F) Sessions with Alma are designed to be personal one-on-one calls. 

G) No authorizations are given or implied to distribute any information obtained from Sessions with Alma.  


 H) Alma do not offer any direct investment advice due to inherent liabilities and volatility in all markets.  This includes but is not limited to investments in cryptocurrency, crypto, stocks, bonds, real estate, gold, silver, bonds, jewelry, private equity, mutual funds and 401K's.H

I) We reserve the right to refuse services to anyone at any time for any reason.

J) All Sessions with Alma are completely Confidential.  Alma will not answer any specific questions related to Sessions via email, so please do not ask for any follow-up information after the completion of your Session with Alma.

K) All charges take place immediately at the time you reserve your Session with Alma. All prices shown on my website are shown in USD (US Dollars).  Please remember to convert these prices into your local currency. If you are an International client, your actual credit card or debit card charges will be converted into your local  International currency at the time you receive your final payment invoice on your credit card or debit card statement.

L) If you are experiencing a medical emergency or have a critical medical problem that requires immediate attention,  please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital for help.  Do not use this Service.

M) If you are clinically depressed or have been diagnosed with a similar critical health problem, please call a medical professional and seek guidance and help.  Do not use this Service.

N) If you miss your scheduled Session time with Alma and fail to notify her in advance, you will be charged for the full Session time.  Please note Alma sends out Session time/date confirmation emails at the time of the original booking and again (24) hours in advance of the Session as a reminder.

O) Minimum (2) day notice required for all cancellation requests.  In the case of cancellation requests received by Alma in less than (2) days from the Session start, time I do not offer any type of refunds.

P) Minimum (2) day notice required for all reschedule requests.  In the case of reschedule requests received by Alma in less than (2) days from the Session start,  cannot guarantee a successful reschedule request.

Q) Once you complete your Session with Alma by staying on the call for the duration of the Session, I do not offer any type of refunds of any kind.  If you believe you are not getting the type of information you require during the Session, please notify me within the first (10) minutes of your Session.  If you go through with the Session after the (10) minute point, I make the determination you are deriving value from the Session.

Disclaimer: I do not possess a medical license and am not a licensed therapist. The insights I provide are purely reflective of my interpretation of intuitive impressions, derived from the energy present at the time, and are contingent upon the principle of free will. In legal terms, it is emphasized that the information shared is intended strictly for entertainment purposes only.